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When I was putting together my Cinnamon Cranberry Pinwheel post last week, I kept thinking: Now, I know I took better pictures than these crappy finished cookie pictures that I may or may not have taken shortly after going under anesthesia.

Guess what I found today on my laptop? Some MUCH better ingredient shots that I had indeed taken when I was making the dough and filling.

Sometimes I wish I had a brain. Don’t suppose they have any at those rent-to-own places, do they?

At any rate, the cookie post is now updated with better pictures. I’m sure this makes your life complete (don’t tell me otherwise).


  1. I just love your sense of humor Stephie. You are too hilarious!! I’m waiting for you to experiment with the dough before I try this. I do well with bread dough but not so much with this type, and since you said you had some trouble with this dough, I don’t feel like getting frustrated. 🙂

    1. Haha, thanks Donna! I really think you’re just getting the brunt of what goes on in my crazy-brain! I will let you know if I am able to come up with a new version of these cookies that aren’t as hard to work with. In the meantime, I promise you will soon be bombarded with cookie posts, so keep your eyes peeled and your oven waiting!

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