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A simple and fresh bay scallop ceviche packed full of citrus and kissed with a touch of jalapeño.

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Iiiiiiit’s August!! Man, has the summer ever flown by around here. I suppose that is part of getting to enjoy mild summer weather instead of feeling like you are drowning in your own sweat 98% of the time. August is going to be a big month for this site (which you will – fingers crossed – learn more about next week), so I am especially excited to kick off this month and have a killer recipe with which to do it.

This month’s Friends First guest is someone I just adore. Brandy is the blogger behind Nutmeg Nanny, and is one of the funniest people you will ever meet. She and I actually “met” because of her hilarious live-tweeting of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. Girlfriend loves mocking the dingbats on trashy reality TV shows, and for that I couldn’t love her more. Aside from loving a good cocktail, Brandy loves to combine her small-town roots with influences from her travels when creating the dishes on her site. Oh, and her photos simply make me drool (rather unattractively, I might add). Today she is bringing you a Bay Scallop Ceviche recipe that I think you’re just gonna love every bit as much as you’ll love her. 


Let’s talk about seafood. Do you love it? Do you hate it? For a long time my answer was “Oh I don’t eat seafood…well except shrimp.” Now that I’m older I’m slowly starting to learn that I do in fact love seafood and my younger self obviously lacked good taste.

While I’m still part of the fish haters club (well, except canned tuna…which I realize is weird) I’m totally not hating on seafood anymore. Lobster – good, shrimp – good, crab – good, scallops – good. I’m basically Joey from friends in that episode where he talks about how he loves all the layers from Rachel’s failed trifle – good.

Man I love that show.

This simple and fresh bay scallop ceviche is packed full of fresh citrus and just a touch of heat. I’m a huge fan of adding heat whenever I can. I got this from my dad and his love of extremely spicy food. He would throw in a jalapeño in just about any recipe he could.

So yeah, I was basically raised to like spicy food.

If you have never made ceviche before you should know that you don’t actually cook the scallops. The citrus actually does all the cooking for you! How cool is that?

Ceviche is basically the no-bake cookie of the savory world.

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Thanks, Brandy! Be sure to follow Nutmeg Nanny on FacebookTwitterPinterest, and Instagram so that you never miss a single delicious post. 

Bay Scallop Ceviche

A simple and fresh bay scallop ceviche packed full of citrus and kissed with a touch of jalapeño.
5 from 1 vote


  • 1-1/2 pound bay scallops cut in half (if very tiny you can leave whole)
  • 1 jalapeno seeded and finely minced
  • 3 ⁄4 cup diced cilantro
  • 1 cup diced red onion
  • 3 ⁄4 cup fresh squeezed orange juice
  • 2/3 cup lime juice
  • 1 lime zested
  • Kosher salt to taste


  • In a large mixing bowl (don’t use metal) add all ingredients and stir well.
  • Cover the bowl and let sit in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours. The scallops are ready when they feel firm.
  • The scallops can sit in the fridge up to 12 hours but don’t let them sit too long or they will get mealy.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!


  1. 5 stars
    Heeeeey Brandy! So happy to see you on EYHO! I’m on team seafood fo’ sho, and have been meaning to make ceviche for eleventy billion years! Thanks for the inspiration – I need to kick it in high gear and do some raw seafood-ing!

    Have a great weekend, ladies!

5 from 1 vote

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