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Moms are pretty awesome people. I don’t think it’s a secret to anyone that I think my momma is pretty much the best momma out there. She’s my best friend, my biggest fan (well, along with Daddy), and refuses to let me do anything half-way. I couldn’t ask for better. (I love you, Momma!)

Maybe you aren’t as close to your mom. That’s ok – I bet if you think for just a minute you can come up with someone in your life who has served as a sort of adopted/foster mom at some point or another. Heck, I can come up with several – my mom’s best friend, my best friend’s mom, and my Spanish host mom all come to mind immediately. (I love all of you, too!)

Whether you are celebrating your biological mother or someone who has stood in as a mother for you over the years, this Sunday is a great opportunity to make them something special to show them how much they mean to you. Here are a few ideas to get you started – I’m sure Mom would be delighted to have you fix any of these dishes for them!

For breakfast/brunch:

Cinnamon Raisin Bagels

Frosted Orange Rolls

Lemon Coconut Muffins

Fruit and Almond Baked Oatmeal

Sweet Onion, Asparagus and Goat Cheese Quiche

For later in the day:

Mediterranean Pizza

Mushroom Ravioli with Sun-Dried Tomato Cream Sauce

Thick and Crusty Chicken Pot Pie

For dessert:

Deep Dark Mocha Cupcakes with Coffee Buttercream Frosting

Lemony Greek Yogurt Cheesecake

Perfect Rhubarb Pie

Galician Almond Tart


  1. Funny you should post this… I’m making two of these recipes this weekend for our Mother’s Day extravaganza. After this weekend, I’ll have made 4 recipes from this page alone, let alone the countless others I’ve tried. SWEET POTATO SCONES! You can see why I’m so excited to start using your cookbook that you made for us… 🙂 I love everything about you, this website, and your food. It’s all just phenomenal.

  2. Lemony Greek Yogurt Cheesecake for me please! I’m going to have to refer my kids over here. They want to make me Mothers Day Breakfast but keep asking me if I like ketchup?! lol. Great recipes!

      1. Ketchup is just fine, and though it shames my husband deeply, I do in fact enjoy a bit with scrambled eggs from time to time. I fear admitting that to my twin 4-year-olds and almost 6-year-old, however, could lead to a ketchup-themed meal I’ll not soon forget. 🙂

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